There's been some discussion about an Esh's Aurunmilla bug that shows up on stage 7.
Out of curiosity, I dug into the ROM program a little bit to see how hard it would be to modify the program to start on stage 7 to make testing easier. After all, no one wants to play all the way to stage 7 just to test a fix!
I found that the stage value is stored at 0xE424 + whatever value is at 0xE3C1. Here is code at 0x3d06 that prints out the current stage (before each stage):
seg000:3D06 print_current_stage: ; CODE XREF: seg000:3B4C p
seg000:3D06 push af
seg000:3D07 push bc
seg000:3D08 push de
seg000:3D09 push hl
seg000:3D0A call sub_0_BC7
seg000:3D0D ld a, 1
seg000:3D0F call sub_0_3AAC
seg000:3D12 ld b, 1
seg000:3D14 ld hl, stage_number_txt
seg000:3D17 call pre_print_text
seg000:3D1A ld hl, 0E424h ; prepare to load current stage data
seg000:3D1D ld a, (0E3C1h) ; load optional offset
seg000:3D20 ld c, a
seg000:3D21 ld b, 0
seg000:3D23 add hl, bc ; HL now contains address that contains stage value
seg000:3D24 ld l, (hl) ; load stage value into L
seg000:3D25 ld h, 0
seg000:3D27 ld b, 14h
seg000:3D29 ld c, 0Eh
seg000:3D2B ld e, 3 ; 3 digits for the stage number
seg000:3D2D while_stage_not_printed: ; CODE XREF: print_current_stage+3D j
seg000:3D2D push bc
seg000:3D2E ld b, 10 ; base 10 conversion
seg000:3D30 call hex2dec ; Hex conversion
seg000:3D30 ; Src number is in HL.
seg000:3D30 ; Base will in B (ie 10 for base 10 conversion).
seg000:3D30 ; Returns the lowermost digit in A and HL will be have been divided by the base (ie if HL originally contained 3387 decimal, it will return as 338 decimal with 7 in A).
seg000:3D30 ;
seg000:3D33 pop bc
seg000:3D34 push de
seg000:3D35 add a, 30h ; '0' ; convert to ASCII?
seg000:3D37 ld d, a
seg000:3D38 ld e, 9
seg000:3D3A ld a, 1
seg000:3D3C call print_letter ; prints one letter to the screen
seg000:3D3F pop de
seg000:3D40 dec b
seg000:3D41 dec b
seg000:3D42 dec e ; decrement digits left count
seg000:3D43 jr nz, while_stage_not_printed
seg000:3D45 pop hl
seg000:3D46 pop de
seg000:3D47 pop bc
seg000:3D48 pop af
seg000:3D49 ret
The stage value is incremented around 0xD7D:
seg000:0D7D loc_0_D7D: ; CODE XREF: seg000:0D6A j
seg000:0D7D ; seg000:0D79 j
seg000:0D7D ld hl, 0E424h ; base address where current stage lives
seg000:0D80 ld a, (0E3C1h)
seg000:0D83 and a
seg000:0D84 jr z, loc_0_D87 ; this can increment the current stage
seg000:0D86 inc hl
seg000:0D87 loc_0_D87: ; CODE XREF: seg000:0D84 j
seg000:0D87 inc (hl) ; this can increment the current stage
The stage value is initially set at:
seg000:0E69 ld hl, 0
seg000:0E6C ld (0E424h), hl ; set current stage to be 0
So to force the game to start on stage 7 instead of 0, one must do this:
Change the "ld hl,0" at 0xE69 to "ld hl,7". Or change 0x21 0x00 0x00 to 0x21 0x07 0x00.
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