Star Rider has a RAM that was never installed, U7.
If I write to this address, I can trigger my logic analyzer to start capturing exactly where I want it.
But I need to modify the ROM to make this happen.
Some ideas ...
ROM1:1B68 ThinkActualFrameNumIsExpected: ; CODE XREF: SendPifCmdsAndMore+5E P
ROM1:1B68 ; SendPifCmdsAndMore+98 P
ROM1:1B68 lda SlowPifCounter ; may throttle how often we check for seek complete among other things
ROM1:1B6B beq CompareActualPicNumWithExpected
ROM1:1B6D dec SlowPifCounter ; may throttle how often we check for seek complete among other things
ROM1:1B70 beq ReadActualPicNumIfAvailable
ROM1:1B72 jsr QueueNopCmdToPif ; make sure that this gets called again
ROM1:1B75 clra ; sets Z flag to indicate success
ROM1:1B76 rts
ROM1:1B77 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROM1:1B77 ReadActualPicNumIfAvailable: ; CODE XREF: ThinkActualFrameNumIsExpected+8 j
ROM1:1B77 lda #4
ROM1:1B79 sta SlowPifCounter ; may throttle how often we check for seek complete among other things
ROM1:1B7C dec SlowerPifCounter
ROM1:1B7F beq Error507 ; if this counter expires, it's an error
ROM1:1B81 lda FieldsLeftBeforeStability ; If this is 0, it means it's safe to read the VBI picture number. (See 1B81)
ROM1:1B81 ; Gets decremented by IRQ if it is not 0.
ROM1:1B81 ; It indicates how many fields the IRQ needs to see before it considers the software/hardware field values to be stable. (see e488)
ROM1:1B81 ; It gets set to non-zero any time the hardware field value does not match the software field value.
ROM1:1B84 bne Skip4TracksForward ; skip 4 tracks forward
ROM1:1B84 ; (to recover from bad VBI read?)
ROM1:1B86 jsr ConvertBCDPicNumToHexPicNum ; Converts the last read BCD picture number (from laserdisc VBI) to a hex picture number.
ROM1:1B86 ; Carry will be clear on success or set on failure.
ROM1:1B86 ; 'D' and $A133 will contain the converted picture number, or 50000 (decimal) on failure.
ROM1:1B89 bcc CompareActualPicNumWithExpected
ROM1:1B8B Skip4TracksForward: ; CODE XREF: ThinkActualFrameNumIsExpected+1C j
ROM1:1B8B lda #$10 ; skip 4 tracks forward
ROM1:1B8B ; (to recover from bad VBI read?)
ROM1:1B8D sta PifArray1ByteSpecial ; This byte will be sent to the pif board if it is non-zero.
ROM1:1B8D ; It is special in that it can receive a higher priority to be sent (I don't fully understand it yet).
ROM1:1B90 clra
ROM1:1B91 rts
I am going to try writing to D800 at 1B7C and 1B8B to see if it reveals anything.
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