I've been continuing to reverse engineer the Star Rider PIF board and I think I'm basically done. There is only one command that I don't understand and it appears to be entirely software-related so both Daphne and Dexter can support it without me understanding what it does or how it works.
Here's my wiki page with all of my notes: https://www.daphne-emu.com:9443/mediawiki/index.php/StarRiderNotes
An interesting I learned today: The STAND BY line actually flashes, which I never supposed. Here is the function that waits for STAND BY to stop flashing:
ROM:FA75 WaitForStandByToStopBlinking: ; CODE XREF: PR8210A_PLAY+39 P
ROM:FA75 ; PR8210A_REJECT+1D P ...
ROM:FA75 pshs cc,a,b
ROM:FA77 orcc #$10 ; disable IRQ'
ROM:FA79 jsr Sleep150Ms ; sleeps for 150,208 cycles (from before the function is called til after it has returned)
ROM:FA7C lda #$20 ; ' '
ROM:FA81 beq WhileStandbyIsHigh ; branch if STAND BY is inactive
ROM:FA83 jsr Sleep150Ms ; sleeps for 150,208 cycles (from before the function is called til after it has returned)
ROM:FA89 beq WhileStandbyIsHigh ; This code checks to make sure that standby does not come active again after it sees that it was inactive.
ROM:FA89 ; If standby does come active again, this code will block indefinitely until it becomes inactive again.
ROM:FA89 ; (it is designed to check to make sure blinking activity has ceased)
ROM:FA8B jsr Sleep150Ms ; sleeps for 150,208 cycles (from before the function is called til after it has returned)
ROM:FA91 beq WhileStandbyIsHigh ; This code checks to make sure that standby does not come active again after it sees that it was inactive.
ROM:FA91 ; If standby does come active again, this code will block indefinitely until it becomes inactive again.
ROM:FA91 ; (it is designed to check to make sure blinking activity has ceased)
ROM:FA93 lda #$86 ; 'å' ; #$86 means that stand by has not gone inactive after a reasonable amount of delay
ROM:FA95 jmp OnFatalError ; Everything here might be diagnostic type stuff or error code reporting type stuff
ROM:FA95 ; code 0x80 means CRC check failed
ROM:FA95 ; code 0x81 means RAM test failed
ROM:FA95 ; code 0x82 means IRQ test failed
ROM:FA95 ; code 0x85 means syncing to vsync/field failed
ROM:FA95 ; code 0x86 means STAND BY never went low before going high/low again
ROM:FA95 ; code 0x87 means we got an invalid FIRQ command
ROM:FA95 ; code 0x88 means we ran out of space in our array at 0x300 (see F2C5)
ROM:FA98 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROM:FA98 WhileStandbyIsHigh: ; CODE XREF: WaitForStandByToStopBlinking+C j
ROM:FA98 ; WaitForStandByToStopBlinking+14 j ...
ROM:FA98 ldb #$FF ; This code checks to make sure that standby does not come active again after it sees that it was inactive.
ROM:FA98 ; If standby does come active again, this code will block indefinitely until it becomes inactive again.
ROM:FA98 ; (it is designed to check to make sure blinking activity has ceased)
ROM:FA9A WhileBIsLessThan10: ; CODE XREF: WaitForStandByToStopBlinking+30 j
ROM:FA9A incb
ROM:FA9B jsr Sleep50Ms ; this delays for 49,993 cycles (from $FA16 until the last RTS has finished)
ROM:FA9B ; So about 50 milliseconds
ROM:FAA1 bne WhileStandbyIsHigh ; branch if STAND BY line is high
ROM:FAA3 cmpb #$A
ROM:FAA5 blt WhileBIsLessThan10
ROM:FAA7 puls b,a,cc
ROM:FAA9 rts
ROM:FAA9 ; End of function WaitForStandByToStopBlinking
It may look super confusing but it's as clear as it's going to get :)
I still need to know when the FIELD and 4MS inputs come into the PIF board relative to the LM1881's vsync before I can know for sure how to make Dexter support this player.
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